What are the Five Most Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures?
When people are looking into cosmetic dentistry they are usually looking to improve their looks for personal or even professional reasons. There are five common procedures that most dentists in North York will perform to help you look your best. These procedures range from simple crowns or onlays… Read More
When Was the Last Time You Visited a North York Dentist?
For some people, the only times they visit a dental clinic in North York is when they have toothaches, tooth pain, broken, chipped, or cracked teeth, or crowns or fillings that have fallen out from their tooth. The rest of the time, they may avoid the dentist for various reasons,… Read More
Regular Visits to Our Dental Clinic in North York Help Detect Gingivitis
While some people might think gingivitis is only something the elderly should be concerned about, they would be wrong. In fact, gingivitis can affect anyone at any age, even children and teenagers. Gingivitis is a preventable disease with regular bi-annual visits to a dentist in North York, along… Read More
New Years Resolution to Floss
I hope that all of you have had a wonderful holiday season and a chance to relax and spend time with family and friends. As we are all well aware, the new year is often considered to be the time to take stock of your life and determine the changes… Read More
Reasons to Have Amalgam Fillings Replaced at a Dental Clinic in North York
For those of us, who are in are 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s, chances are you have amalgam (silver) fillings. Many years ago, this was the standard type of filling dentists used to fill cavities. Over the years, with advances in dental technologies, these are no longer very popular, and have… Read More